BookBook for Apple iPhone by Twelve South

12 Tips for College Graduates

It’s graduation time and thousands of college students are tossing their caps in the air and celebrating the end of their schooling and making the transition into the “real” world. However, just because the trips to the library are done it doesn’t mean you can’t keep the intellectual vibe going with the BookBook for MacBook or iPad cover!

Twelve South BookBook for iPad mini

Now that you’ve got the gear to get started, check out these 12 tips from business execs to make the leap from student to professional an easy one.

  1. Don’t expect to start off at your dream job. It’s called a career path for a reason and your first job is just the beginning of the journey.
  2. It is totally okay to graduate and not know exactly what you want to do! You may have to try out a few different jobs or industries to find just the right fit for you.
  3. Don’t let your major limit your job search, you’ll be surprised just how much cross-over there is between majors. Apply to positions that are interesting to you and not just what you feel is expected.
  4. Treat your job search as if it IS a job. Commit at least six hours daily to updating  your resume, researching  opportunities and preparing applications and cover letters.
  5. Make sure your resume is up-to-date, easy to read, and one page! You’ve just graduated so employers don’t expect you to have much experience, having a multi-page resume makes it look like you might be stretching the truth of your professional background.
  6. Network! It’s easier than you think to get your foot in the door. Start by using social media to connect with people in your industry, attending alumni events, or joining relevant professional associations.
  7. Start budgeting and saving now, just trust us on this one, you’ll be thankful you did.
  8. A great way to get started on number 7 is to hold onto your college ID. Since you won’t be making the big bucks just yet, use your ID for savings at tons of stores, on movie tickets or museum visits.
  9. Keep learning – read books and articles in your field, talk to a mentor and be open to learning on the job. Just because you don’t have a GPA to boost doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep pushing yourself to be better.
  10. Find new ways to enjoy your free time (now that you can officially stop doing homework). Finding a passion will not only make your weekends more interesting it will also set you apart from other candidates making you a more well-rounded hire.
  11. The real world is more fun than grumpy adults have ever told you. Don’t surround yourself with other people who don’t want to “adult” but give yourself the chance to love what you do and success will follow.
  12. Finally, before you start your new career do something on your bucket list. The first few years of working are often intense and you may not have time to do all the things you want to do right away so take a moment to cross something off your must-do list.