The Twelve: Mayday Mayday

The Twelve: Mayday Mayday

The pollen is flying, the sun is shining. Here, then, are 12 things we’re digging right now (when we’re not working or digging weeds).


Speaking of Apple Watch (for which you will need a HiRise, ahem), here’s a nifty infographic about wearable tech.

Show me the money….in a font, no less. Cool!

Just weird. What you get when you search for “advertising agency” stock photos on Getty. Creepy.

Considering doing some good on your next vacation? (Us too.) From our friends at Fathom, this list.

Have you got a case of wanderlust as bad as we do right now? How about going this far?

America’s way behind on harvesting solar and wind, but Tesla’s new Powerwall aims to change that. Meet your new in-house solar system.

Genius ad — is it a car crash, or not? You make the call by fast-forwarding through it, or not.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s 12 tech tools productivity experts can’t live without!

Turn your Apple Watch into that handy Casio calculator watch with Calcbot.

Moms explain what their kids do in advertising in this agency’s Mother’s Day video — so funny. (Also makes us think: How would our own mom describe what we do?)

Everyone loves this delightful alphabet for all ages.

And finally, 7 habits of people who don’t stress over the little things. (Let’s all try this.)

Have an idea of something we should check out for The Twelve? Send along an email to marketing (at) twelve south (dot) com!